1. Registration Form Submitted with Family Registration Fee.
2. Parents of students in Grades 2 – 12 are e-mailed the placement testing information (usually within 1 business day).
3. Records are requested from previous school. It is also suggested that parents contact the previous school to see if they need to withdraw the student etc. before records are released.
4. Upon completion of BOTH the placement test and receiving prior school records, the parent will receive an email with the paperwork outlining the courses and tuition option you chose.
5. Parents must return signed paperwork and tuition payment information.
6. Upon receipt of signed paperwork, classes are loaded or materials shipped for booklet students. Students who will be working outside the United States will have an additional cost for booklet-based materials, plus required to pay tuition annually or for remainder of year.
7. Parents will receive an email to let them know that classes are ready.
8. If needed, an Enrollment Verification letter can be requested after step 5 by using the Contact SEA page.
Refer a family with at least one full time 1st-12th grade student to SEA and receive $100 credit on your account if they enroll using your email address as a referral code on their registration form!